Thursday, June 2, 2011

[Interview] Kim Kyu Jong & Heo Young Saeng - Sparkling Magazine Issue

thanks to NEJ for sending me my YS "Let It Go" Album and Sparkling Mag... luv it! (^_^)

credits:        Sparkling Magazine
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Re-post with full credits.

SS501’s Kim Kyu Jong and Heo Young Saeng start off Manila’s 2011 K-Pop calendar with a bang! Read on about their thoughts of friendship, Love, and going solo in this Sparkling exclusive.
The hiatus and separation of SS501 members into different agencies took the K-Po world by storm. Kim Kyu Jong and Heo Young Saeng found a new mome in B2M Entertainment and have begun a new chapter in their careers through a series of fan meetings across Asia. With Manila as the last stop on the “And Story Tour’ the boys show that they’re ready to go solo.

Sparkling Magazine:
 Now that you are both doing solo projects, what new things can your fans expect?

Young Saeng: 
We’ve started preparing for our individual activities. We used to work as a group of five, but now we’re working solo, It’s true that it can be a burden, but we’ll try our best and hope our fans will support us. I’ll be releasing a solo album soon while Kyu Jong is practicing his acting and will star in a drama this year.

Sparkling Magazine:
What genre can we expect from your solo album? Will it be different from SS501’s brand of music?

Young Saeng:
My solo album will mostly be dance music. I want to show my fans a new side of me, something different from what they used to see in SS501.

Sparkling Magazine:
Which icon do you look up to?

Young Saeng:
I like Justin Timberlake.

Sparkling Magazine:
Kyu Jong, what is your dream role as an actor?

Kyu Jong:
I want to be able to try all kinds of roles, but if I had to choose specific one I would like to do a romantic drama (smiles).

Sparkling Magazine:
Is there a specific actress that you would want to work with?

Kyu Jong:
I would like to work with Anne Hathaway. Recently, I watched a Korean drama starring Ha Ji Won I’d like to work with her too.

Sparkling Magazine:
What were your first impressions of each other?

Kyu Jong: 
The first time I saw Young Saeng  was during winter, and he was wearing a white outfit, I was impressed. I thought he was very fashionable!

Young Saeng:
I thought that Kyu Jong would be really hardworking.

Sparkling Magazine:
Now that you’ve gotten to know each other more, how have those impressions changed?

Young Saeng:
My first impression of Kyu Jong changed a lot now that we’re closer. When I first met him, he was really shy and quiet. Now he’s become talkative and very funny.

Kyu Jong:
My first impression of Young Saeng hasn’t changed a lot. He’s still as fashionable as he was back then. I want to get tips from him because I’m not very good in choosing what clothes to wear!

Sparkling Magazine:
What’s on your iPods right now?

Young Saeng:
Since I’m a singer, I try to listen to a lot of K-Pop. But I really love rock music.

Kyu Jong:
I like listening to R&B.

Sparkling Magazine:
What do you enjoy doing during your free time?

Young Saeng:
I usually play video games or meet my friends and play around.

Kyu Jong:
I love going on vacation and I go to the movies a lot.

Sparkling Magazine:
What are the top three things that you always bring with you when you travel?

Kyu Jong:
Cellular phone, facial cleanser, and alcohol ~ the alcohol is for drinking (laughs)! (^_^)

Young Saeng:
iPhone (something I can use to listen to music), slippers (I never forget my slippers) and lastly, my pajamas. (^_^)

Sparkling Magazine:
What is the most romantic thing you’ve ever done for a girl?

Young Saeng:
I recorded a video of us and edited it like a music video. After that, I went to a café and showed it to her. I also surprised her with a cake.  

Kyu Jong:
I haven’t really done anything romantic, but I have something that I’d like to do: write a diary starting from the moment we first meet. I’ll give it to her as a gift after we’ve been together for awhile.

Sparkling Magazine:
Those are both romantic! What qualities do you look for in a girl?

Young Saeng:
Someone who’s very understanding.

Kyu Jong:
I like girls who are very friendly.

Sparkling Magazine:
If you were not K-Pop singers, what would you be doing now?

Young Saeng:
~~~~~laughs~~~~~ (^_^)

Kyu Jong:
Aha! If I was not able to debut as a singer I would still try my best and practice till I became one. But since I feel I have a genius mind, I think I would probably be drawing if I wasn’t a singer.

Young Saeng:
If I wasn’t a singer, I would be a hair dresser.

Sparkling Magazine:
Have you guys tried any Filipino food? Which did you enjoy the most?

Kyu Jong:
Yes, our favorite is crispy pata! We really loved it!

Sparkling Magazine:
(Kyu Jong’s) Birthday Wish..

“It’s already been five years since I debuted and there are so many people who’ve helped me in my career. I wish that all of them have a happy life, and that more good things will come this year.

Sparkling Magazine:
What is your most memorable fan experience?

Kyu Jong:
I don’t have a specific one, but whenever I’m on stage and see our fans holding their green lightsticks I feel really touched.

Sparkling Magazine:
If you had a superpower what would it be?

Young Saeng:
I would like to be able to teleport! I like the Japanese super hero Flash Man.

Kyu Jong:
I want to be like Spiderman!

Sparkling Magazine:
Your fans are very eager to see all five of you together again. Are there plans for a SS501 comeback this 2011?

Kyu Jong & Young Saeng:
Right now we are focusing first on our solo activities.  But we definitely  want to come together as a group again.

Sparkling Magazine:
What do you want to tell your Filipino fans?

Young Saeng:
Since it’s our first time to meet our fans from the Philippines, we’re still very excited and nervous. If they really want us to visit again we need their help~please support us so we can come back again.

Kyu Jong:
Even though it’s my first time in Manila, I’ve been able to connect with our Filipino fans through Twitter. If given another chance I would be glad to come back to see you all again!


  1. Wow! such great interview! i learnt new things today about them! thanks for sharing, lux and nej! ^_^

  2. @Malexx28 - welcome welcome mah eonni.. har har har
