Saturday, April 30, 2011

[Photo] Heo Young Saeng - B2M Received the Gifts from ForeverYS & PrinceSaeng [Added Trans]

i just love how fans do love and support Young Saeng... thanks NEJ@nejeelicious for the updates.

credits:   ForeverYS + @nejeelicious ( )

( Translations  )

        Even from China too, they sent cookies which are personally wrapped by themselves to Young Saeng's recording for Happy Together. We would like to say thank you to China Heo Young Saeng fanpage "Su Ji Yeon Saeng" too.

        Thank you to fanpage "rmdkdl" who sent delicious snacks to the recording of Happy Together for Young Saeng today.

Gifts sent by PrinceSaeng ( Heo Young Saeng's Fanclub in Mainland, China )

Gift sent by ForeverYS ( Heo Young Saeng's Fanclub in Taiwan )


  1. OMG! He's really loved, isn't he? Fighting, YS! Get well soon!

  2. i'm really tOuched with all lOve that have given tO YOung Saeng...i'm really happy..
    (ㅠ_ㅠ)it's a happy tears..
    he deserves it..
    fighting YS!!
    we lOves yOu...♥♥♥

  3. @Malexx28 - yes eonni surely YS is so loved by all...fighting!

    @ayu - aigoo teary eyed dear? yes dear YS is so loved by all especially by US...
