Thursday, June 23, 2011

[News] Heo Young Saeng - Confess "Farted During Live Broadcast, Smellier If No Sound" [22.06.11]

hehe, sure our boys got some shicking revelations...hehehe

credits:   newsen + (English translation)

Re-post with full credits.

Prince-like image Heo Young Saeng confessed that he ever farted during a live broadcast, making everyone laugh.

In the recording for KBS 2TV ‘Happy Together 3’ recently, Heo Young Saeng started talking “During SS501 days, we were preparing for our performance at a music broadcast but had to make our entrance immediately and I was not feeling good inside me suddenly.”

He continued “I have no choice, so I was contemplating to fart during the dance song, but of all times, the music didn’t come out, instead, another person’s ballad song was played. Luckily there was no sound but I was sorry that the smell couldn’t be hidden and spread over to the members.”

Together at the recording was Kim Hyun Joong, who revealed that he was standing furthest away from Heo Young Saeng, but he was not sparred from it.

With Heo Young Saeng’s confession, Kim Hyun Joong personally demonstrated how to match the ‘love ya’ dance steps to fart.

Broadcast is on 23-Jun at 11.15pm


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