Saturday, May 14, 2011

[News] Heo Young Saeng - "There is no romance in a marriage" Such a straight forward answer, perhaps he is celibrate? [13.05.11]

lets all respect Young Saeng's point of view... ^ ^

credits:   Newsen + Honeyeee & ( Translation )

Heo Young Saeng confessed that marriage does not equates romance.

On the 12th of May’s broadcast of KBS 2TV ‘Happy Together Season’ featuring guest Heo Young Saeng, Park Ji Yoon-Choi Dong Seok announcer couple, Kim Jong Min, Park Tab Hee, show off their straight-forward talk and magnificent glib of tongue

Half way through when Park Ji Yoon-Choi Dong Seok announcer couple were sharing their story, Shin Bong Sun asked Heo Young Saeng “Don’t singles have thoughts of wanting to get married?”. To which, Heo Young Saeng confessed frankly, “From young, I (felt) that there is no romance in marriage”

Everyone was curious about Heo Young Saeng’s answer of “It seems like I’m being repressed”.

Then, the cast asked “What kind of repression does the married Park Myung Su receives?”

“On Sundays, I can’t go out of the house”, “At home, I can’t receive phonecalls as and when I wish to, and I have to stop drinking after a short while”, he added, resulting in laughter.


  1. Maybe his answer was based on some experience... and it's kind of true... after being married the romance is gone... the routine takes place, you are too tired to go out or spend time with your partner... but that depends only on couples, so it's not something general.. what do you think lux?

  2. @Malexx28 - i think also yes, maybe bcoz im alredy married but it doesnt mean that im not happy its just that there were things that you normally do when your single should take in consideration now that your already married...
