Saturday, April 30, 2011

[News] Park Jung Min - Depend on Fans to buy property [28.04.11]

A/N : The Titke means. Fans should support his work so that he can earn $ to buy a property!! hehe

credits:   HK Apple Daily + ( English trans ) +

South Korea popular group SS501′s member Park Jung Min came to Hong Kong a few days ago, fans even wished him (a happy birthday). During his interview with the reporter, he revealed that he bought a HK $10,000 watch for himself as his birthday present. He was asked if he is intending to buy a property, he laughed and said ‘This is next year’s birthday present, i hope fans will help me!’

Filming of Taiwan Drama

Park Jung Min will be filming a Taiwan drama but he does not know the detail, he was told that he needed to keep his hair long and learn horse-riding. He already requested to his company that he does not want to exposed himself (body), but will cooperate if there is a kissing scene. Park Jung Min said ‘I hope fans will not get jealous, just imagine that the actress is you!’ He will be filming Korean drama and film at the second half of the year, he is okay even if the content (of the drama/film) is about older woman and younger man love. Park Jung Min was friendly throughout the interview session, he also spoke Chinese from time to time to engage in the atmosphere, a reporter accidentally hit the lampshade, he actually used Chinese to ask the lampshade ‘Are you okay?’


  1. I'll buy him a villa to move with his family if I had the money! But i don't so i'll cheer for you, JM! Fighting!

  2. @Malexx28 - eonni i think Bruno Mars song would best describe you right now.... like, i wanna be a millionaire so freakin' bad....har har har
